of the Casadei & Ghinassi’s website’s users
Pursuant article 13 EU Regulation 2016/679
The information provided in this page, as required by EU Regulaion 2016/679 “GDPR”, describes the processing operation perfomed by us on website’s users personal data from this address:
The information provided doesn’t concern other websites, pages or service can be accessed through hyperlink eventually posted in this website.
Visited the website indicated above personal data related to natural persona may be processed.
The Data Controller is Casadei & Ghinassi Srl, located in via Magazzini Anteriori 63, Ravenna (RA), 48122, telephone 0544 688024, fax 0544 688041, e-mail
Personal data mentioned in this page are processed by the Controller because it is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interest pursued by the controller to ensure web services’ normally working, to get statistic information about web users’ visits and about web services’ utilization (article 6 (1), lett.f) of Regulation), and to answer to request sent to us in order to take steps prior to enter to a contract (article 6 (1), lett.b) of Regulation).
Browsing data
The information system and software procedures relied upon to operate in this website acquire personal data as part of their standard functioning; the transmission and the processing of this data is an inherent feature of the normal functiong of Internet protocols.
This data category includes IP address or computers’ domain names used by any user, URI,URL (Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, returned file size, a numeric code related to the server responde stauts (succesfully performed, error, ecc…), some information about the request’s geolocalization ad other parameters referred to the operation system used by the user and their computer environment.
These data, necessary to provide web services, it is also processed for following purposes:
- to get statistical information about service usage (most visited pages, amount of visitors by date/time, geographical area of origins, ecc…);
- to check web services’s functioning;
Browsing data could be also used to ascertain responsibilty in case of hypothetical web crimes and for the same purpose collected and retained by the ISP (Internet Service Provider) and by the web host.
Data communicated by users
Sending messages to the Controller’s contacts address indicated in the specific areas is a users’ free choice, and it’s involved the acquisition of some of yours personal data (e-mail address) used to answer the message. This processing do not requires previously acquisition of consent because it is necessary in order to take steps prior to enter to a contract to answer the information’s request sent to us. Furthermore the provision of data is to be considered necessary for the exhaustation of the request: a refusal to provide them could make it impossible to follow up the request received.
Sending messages do not entail automatic subscription to a mailing list with commercial or promotional purpose, since the addresses collected are used only for the purpose indicated above.
Data collected are retained for the time strictly necessary to answer the messages. In the event that a commercial relationship is established, the data will be kept at least for the duration of the relationship itself and in any case for a time suitable to guarantee the defense of a right of the Data Controller during an eventually dispute.
Contact form
You can send us request about our service using the form “Contact us form more information”, section “Contacts” of the website. That’s involved the acquisition of some of yours personal data (name and e-mail address) used to answer the message. This processing do not requires previously acquisition of consent because it is necessary in order to take steps prior to enter to a contract to answer the information’s request sent to us. Furthermore the provision of data is to be considered necessary for the exhaustation of the request: a refusal to provide them could make it impossible to follow up the request received.
Sending messages do not entail automatic subscription to a mailing list with commercial or promotional purpose, since the addresses collected are used only for the purpose indicated above.
Data collected are retained for the time strictly necessary to answer the messages. In the event that a commercial relationship is established, the data will be kept at least for the duration of the relationship itself and in any case for a time suitable to guarantee the defense of a right of the Data Controller during an eventually dispute.
Reserved area
Every now and then we load in this area some statistic information about the amount of goods endled in Ravenna’s port, besides some service informations.
There are no personal data stored in this area.
Cookie and other tracking devices
Cookies are small text strings that a website can send to the user’s device in order to store information (for example the language) to be retransmitted to the web server; the next time the site is accessed by the user, the server retransmits the cookies to the user’s PC.
Cookies can be divided into two main categories: session cookies, which are automatically deleted when the browser is closed; persistent cookies, which instead remain within the user’s device until the set deadline.
It is also possible to identify first-party cookies, installed by the website publisher; third-party cookies, installed by different subjects.
Finally, cookies can be divided into technical cookies, necessary for navigating the website, for example because they are used to perform authentication or remember in what language the website is displayed; statistical cookies, used by website publisher to collect information, in aggregate and anonymous form, about the numbers of visits to the site; profiling cookies, used to monitor and profile users while browsing, studing their web browsing habits or consumption habits (what they buy, what they read, etc.), in order to create user profiles to send targeted and personalized advertising.
This site uses technical cookies in order to provide regular working of the web server, that doesn’t request your previously consent to use them.
Furthermore the following third-party service in also active, which can lead a user web activity tracking:
Google Analytics
Every user can set their browser so as not to automatically accept cookies.
Following a short list of information for disabling cookies on most popular browser.
Every user can set their browser so as not to automatically accept cookies. It is possible to delete every kind of cookie installed inside the browser and/or to block installation of new ones. To get specific and further information for every kind of browser click on the one of the following links:
However, the total disabling of cookies is not recommended since it could make it impossible to surf the websites, and it is recommended to choose the disabling only of the tracer elements. To do this, you can activate the “Do Not Track” function, datpresent in most of the latest generation browsers. Websites designed to comply with this option, when activated, should automatically stop collecting some of your browsing data. However, not all websites are set up to comply with this option, since it is left to the discretionary choice of the website publisher.
Finally, you can activate the anonymous browsing mode: through this function you can surf the Internet without leaving a trace in the browser, since all cookies and view history will be deleted when the browser will be closed. However, the anonymous browsing function does not guarantee total anonymity on the Internet anyway, because it only serves to not keep browsing data in the browser, while instead your browsing data will continue to be available to website operators and ISP. You can switch to anonymous browsing mode through these keyboard shortcuts:
Browser type | Keyboard shortcut |
Safari | CMD + SHIFT + N |
Internet Explorer | CTRL + SHIFT + P |
Microsoft Edge | CTRL + SHIFT + P |
Mozilla Firefox | CTRL + SHIFT + P |
Google Chrome | CTRL + SHIFT + N |
Opera | CTRL + SHIFT + N |
Browsing data are processed and retained by the the ISP (Internet Service Provider) and the web host (subject that provide web server hosting in its physical machines) which keep them according to the times established by law.
The personal data collected through the messages sent to us are also processed by nternal staff authorized by the Data Controller, who acts on the basis of specific instructions provided regarding the purposes and methods of the processing itself.
The Data Controller do not perform profiling or make an automated decision-making with personal data collected.
Subjects have rights to obtain from the controller, where appropriate, access to their personal data as well as rectification or erasure of such data or the restriction of the processing concerning them, and to object to (pursuant to article from 15 to 22 of the Regulation).
Data subjects who believe that the processing of personal data referred to them through this site occurs in violation of the provisions of the Regulation have the right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority (for example Italian Garante per la protezione dei dati personali), as required by art. 77 of the Regulation itself, or to take appropriate judicial offices (art. 79 of the Regulation).
Requests relating to the aforementioned articles can be sent to the Data Controller using the contacts indicated at the top of this information.